Dynamic Variables

Many portions of the license file can contain dynamic variables. These variables are useful to refer to certain entities are not known at policy creation time and might vary or change within the ClearTrigger Region. For example, consider that one might wish to have a trigger fire for everyone except the current VOB owner, but many VOBs in your region are owned by different individuals. Normally you would have to apply the trigger to all users and then include code in your script that checks for the current VOB owner to except that user or apply the trigger with a different -nuser for each VOB. With a dynamic variable you can refer to the VOB owner and it is calculated when needed and always correct even if the VOB owner is changed at a later date.

Currently there are three (3) dynamic variables defined in ClearTrigger that are evaluated at runtime:

Dynamic VariableCharacter StringSuch that...
VOB Owner
(&) expands to the user value (cclarke) at runtime in VOBs that are owned by the user cclarke.

(&_#) expands to the user value (cma_#) at runtime in VOBs that are owned by the user cma and therefore matches the users "cma_0" - "cma_9".
VOB Primary Group
<&> expands to the group value <cm_team> at runtime in VOBs with a primary group of cm_team.

<&_#> expands to the group value <cma_group_#> at runtime in VOB with a primary group of cma_group and therefore matches the users "cma_group_0" - "cma_group_9".
Top of VOB
{&} expands to the VOB value {/vobs/some_vob} at runtime in the VOB /vobs/some_vob in UNIX and to {\some_vob} in Windows.

{&/src} expands to the VOB directory value {/vobs/some_vob/src} at runtime for UNIX and {\some_vob\src} for Windows.

All dynamic variables are evaluated at runtime and can be used in: