Command Operation

This portion of the command_key_definition determines if the cleartool command or command group that is definition applies to. The pulldown is limited to only it's valid values.

NOTE: For certain operations that can appear as element operations or type operations, the operation might have multiple definition options (i.e. chevent, chmaster and lock) such that:

Example OperationWould apply to...
lock_eleonly element definitions
lock_typeonly and type definitions
lockboth element definitions
and type definitions

The Commands and command groups match the ClearCase command groups defined as per cleartool man mktrtype with an additional "mv" command.

Command GroupContains...
MODIFY_ELEcheckout reserve uncheckout unreserve mv MODIFY_DATA MODIFY_MD
MODIFY_DATAcheckin chtype lnname lock_ele mkbranch mkelem mkslink protect rmbranch rmelem rmname rmver unlock_ele
MODIFY_MDchevent_ele chmaster_ele mkattr_ele mkhlink mklabel mktrigger rmattr rmhlink rmlabel rmtrigger
MODIFY_TYPEchevent_type chmaster_type lock_type mkattr_type modtype rmattr rmhlink mktype rmtype rntype unlock_type
MODIFY_UCMdeliver_cancel deliver_complete deliver_start rebase_cancel rebase_complete rebase_start mkactivity chactivity rmactivity setactivity mkstream chstream rmstream mkbl chbl rmbl mkproject chproject rmproject mkcomp rmcomp mkfolder chfolder rmfolder

This value is combined with the command_key_type to build the Command Key Operation token.

Additional UCM/Base ClearCase Command Distinctions

On occasion it is critical to perform the same script or provide the same action on a base ClearCase command (i.e. checkin) that one would perform on a that command if it is called as part of a the implementation of a UCM command (i.e. deliver). Measures were taken in ClearTrigger to ensure that a trigger attached to checkin did NOT fire when that checkin was part of the UCM series. When command keys are defined (by default) they refer to either a UCM command or a Base ClearCase command. When you specifically require that the command key match only if the command is indeed part of a UCM series (i.e. a checkin command that is part of a UCM deliver command) you may add a sub-UCM ("_u") designator to the command key definition.

Therefore to start a command key that is to apply to base clearcase checkin commands one would start the key similar to the one below:
While to start a command key that is to apply to checkins that are the result of UCM commands one would start the key similar to the one below:
Finally, to start a command key that is to apply to base checkins and checkins that are the result of a UCM command one would start the key similar to the one below:
	pre_checkin pre_checkin_u;