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"ClearTrigger, ClearCase Triggers, ABS, IBM, Triggers, Rational, IBM, ClearCase Triggers, CM, scm, ClearCase products, v-tree browser, configuration management" "ClearTrigger, CLEARCASE replication, Triggers, consultant, Rational, IBM, CM, scm, ClearCase CCRC, consulting, V-tree, ClearCase Browser, ClearCase Tools, configuration management" "ClearCase web client, ClearCase web, ABS, Rational, IBM, CM, scm, ClearCase Remote Client, consulting, ClearCase Web, ClearCase Produdts, ClearCase add-ons, configuration management"
ClearTrigger provides ClearCase Trigger Enterprise control
ClearCase Trigger Management and Policy Creation
at the enterprise level...

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  ClearTrigger provides ClearCase/VersionVault Trigger Enterprise control  
ClearTrigger Summary

If total control of your ClearCase or VersionVault enterprise is what you want and you wish to bring policy to the enterprise level then dive into ClearTrigger. With ClearTrigger you can define triggers that are automatically and instantly defined for all VOBs (or just a few if you prefer). Associated triggers with additional metadata types like times, views, groups, VOBs, elements, replicas, regions or even use pattern matching for any of the types. Use functionality bits to get the most popular trigger functionality without having to write any trigger code. ClearTrigger even makes an additional 33 ClearTrigger environmental variables ready for you to use in triggers so you won't have to write code or make additional cleartool calls to calculate these commonly requested values (i.e VOB_owner, Is_replicated, Is_Project_VOB, Is_Web_User, VOB_primary_group).

ClearTrigger's built-in integration with iApproveIt functionality allows all triggers to provide and receive real-time email and mobile-phone-enabled input to create real-time user interactive policy. You no longer have to wait hours/days for approval when managers and approvers can be notified and directly interact with trigger policy in real-time.

ClearTrigger Details

Read about some of the new features of ClearTrigger . Let ClearTrigger simplify the task of maintaining triggers and policy in your organization. Use ClearTrigger to restrict users, define triggers or disallow commands without having to visit every VOB in your region. Conventional methods of developing native ClearCase or VersionVault triggers have been simplified with ClearTrigger in order to provide administrators with a fast and easy approach to defining policy at both the user and enterprise level. Implementing ClearTrigger is so basic and straightforward that administrators of all experience levels can use it. It conveniently integrates with your current ClearCase or VersionVault installation and doesn't require moving VOBs to new machines or reorganizing your network. Just install and configure ClearTrigger and get started.

Some of the
features added in recent ClearTrigger versions are:

iApproveIt Features Implemented. ClearTrigger's built-in integration with iApproveIt functionality allows all triggers to provide and receive real-time email and mobile-phone-enabled input to create real-time user interactive policy. You no longer have to wait hours/days for approval when managers and approvers can be notified and directly interact with trigger policy in real-time.You can now create Real-time mobile-phone enabled policy for ClearCase.
"Region" Processing. ClearTrigger was modified so that existing Restriction List that could execute policy based on Users, Groups, VOBs, Elements, Views or Times can now also be limited base on Region Patterns or Environmental Variable Values as well. This functionality was added to:
General Performance Improvements. Many ClearTrigger core functions were internally recoded for speed and size reduction. ClearTrigger performs faster and smaller so it transfers over the network faster when needed. Additional memory and file caching were added as well to again improve its speed. A ClearTrigger server process was added to optimize data collection and hold queried data in memory between calls of ClearTrigger process for their use. Many network calls were replaced with shared memory calls resulting in improved performance for both ClearTrigger and the network.
Added "Override" alias ABS_allow_use_of_local_ccperl. ClearTrigger added the ClearTrigger Override Alias ABS_allow_use_of_local_ccperl to improve performance. If defined in the clearbits file it allows the use of local ccperl.exe, CQerl.exe and cleartool.exe executables instead of ones defined in the depot for windows script definitions with policy key definitions.
Improved Messaging. ClearTrigger messages were examined and rewritten for clarity. Many messages that previously referred restriction list listed all components that could match causing the denial. These denial dialogs are now more specific so that they list the matching component only.
Improved ClearQuery Reporting and Web-pages. ClearQuery was enhanced so that the generated web-pages it produces have an equivalent look as before, but the pages no longer rely on images within the images directory, this makes all of its report web-pages completely relocatable.
Functionality Bits:
'Auto Chown to VOB Owner' Functionality Bit was enhanced to allow for the setting of additional users or groups.
'Auto Add Executed Permissions' Functionality Bit was enhanced to allow for the adding or removing of extantion types to or from the default set.
'Auto Warn Lost+Found' Functionality Bit was enhanced to provide an "auto answer" option so that ClearTrigger policy makers can allow users to pre-answer the warning dialog so that this functionality can execute in a build or other automated process without human intervention.
33 Additional ClearTrigger Environmental Variables were added for you to use in your own trigger scripts. These were the most often requested variables and are available for you to use in your triggers without you having to make additional cleartool calls or do anything to calculate them yourself.
'Evil Twin' Functionality Bit was enhanced to allow for the "repair" of previous element rmname attempts.
Command Key Ignore List provides even more granular control over when Triggers fire or don't fire.
Functionality Bit Application Aliases provide more granular control over when Functionality Bits fire.
Addition and integration of ClearTrigger Lite to allow a low-cost entry into many of the features of ClearTrigger. (read page 5 of the product matrix)
ClearTrigger Performance Aliases to improve ClearTrigger Performance.
ClearReplica Performance Aliases to improve ClearTrigger Performance on non-ClearReplica replicated VOBs.

To compliment existing features like:

ClearTrigger Documentation (V)

All documentation, Tutorials, Tools, Fact Sheets and Agreements for ClearTrigger are located here.

Document Name and Description
Highlights Document. High-Level Overview and Facts Sheet for ClearTrigger.
Installation Document. Full ClearTrigger Installation Document.
Administration Document. Full ClearTrigger Administration Document.
Software License Agreement. General SLA (Software License Agreement) for all ABS products.

Use the Clearbits Web generator for ClearTrigger Clearbits File On-line Tutorial... ClearApply On-line Simulation/Tutorial...

ClearTrigger defect/patch status and details are here.

ClearTrigger Defect Status List

The status of any reported ClearTrigger or ClearTrigger Lite defects will be reported here.

All current ClearTrigger Binaries are at version 14.0 except for ClearTrigger and ClearTrigger Lite itself which are at and last updated on .

      - ClearTrigger
      - ClearTrigger Lite
      - ClearTrigger Server 14.0
      - ClearQuery 14.0
      - ClearApply 14.0

Only defects of the current and previous major releases are listed; no defect is listed that is earlier than the previous major release. All defects from previous releases were rolled into the current major release and are no longer listed.

Releases 13.1.2 - are supported..

Defect or
Defect or
Fixed or
ct14_0_1 (Minor Patch):

ClearTrigger 14.0.1 was released on 12/09/2024.

ClearTrigger Only: Small changes were applied to address unreported defects found in 14.0 acceptance testing. A addition change was implemented for minor unreported defect in Functionality Bit 24 (Enforce Size Limit Restriction). Small changes were implemented to improve performance. No Functional Changes.
14.0 14.0.1
ct14_0 (New Major Release):

ClearTrigger 14.0 was released on 10/12/2024. Some of the new or improved ClearTrigger Features include but not limited to:
  • ClearTrigger's built-in integration with iApproveIt functionality
  • "ClearCase Region" Processing.
  • New and Enhanced Functionality Bits
    • Auto Warn/Prevent Lost+Found Elements (bit 21)
    • Auto Protect Like Parent (bit 22)
    • Force 'Unreserved' checkouts (bit 23)
    • Enforce Size Limit Restriction (bit 24)
  • Added 33 Additional ClearTrigger Environmental Variables
You can read about ClearTrigger Features here or read ClearTrigger Highlights document.
---- 14.0

ClearTrigger_server Only: In some rare instances, changes to the Clearbits file are not updated in shared memory in real-time and available to subsequent ClearTrigger calls.

Repaired so that shared memory is properly updated in real-time with clearbits file changes and immediately available to subsequent ClearTrigger.
13.1.1 13.1.2
ct13_1_1 (Minor Performance Patch):

ClearTrigger & ClearTrigger_server Only: Small changes were implemented to improve performance. No Functional Changes.
13.1 13.1.1
ct13_1 (New Minor Release):

ClearTrigger 13.1 was released on 10/22/2019. Some of the new or improved ClearTrigger Features include:
  • Improved ClearTrigger Server
  • Added additional ClearTrigger Functionality Bit Application Aliases - added ABS_exclude_for_bit_ALL and ABS_only_for_bit_ALL to compliment the ABS_exclude_for_bit_nn and ABS_only_for_bit_nn Functionality Bit Application Aliases.
  • Added Conditional Environmental Variable Value Matching processing for all access lists - triggers can now optionally fire depending on the value of an environmental variable.
  • Improved ClearQuest Error Checking and Data Input.
You can read about ClearTrigger Features here or read ClearTrigger Highlights document.
---- 13.1
ct13_0_1 (Problem):

ClearTrigger Only: The environmental Variable CLEARTRIGGER_VOB_HOST was not properly set in the trigger environment.

Repaired so that the environmental Variable CLEARTRIGGER_VOB_HOST was properly set in the trigger environment.
13.0 13.0.1
ct13_0 (New Major Release):

ClearTrigger 13.0 was released on 8/14/2019. Some of the new or improved ClearTrigger Features include:
  • Added ClearTrigger Server
  • General Performance Improvements - significantly less ClearCase/VersionVault calls and network calls - maximum use of shared memory between calls
  • Added Region processing for all access lists
  • Enhanced Functionality Bits
  • Added 8 Additional ClearTrigger Environmental Variables
  • Added use of local policy binaries
  • Improved Message Dialogs
You can read about ClearTrigger Features here or read ClearTrigger Highlights document.
---- 13.0
ClearTrigger FAQ

Frequently Asked ClearTrigger questions that are often asked by both ClearTrigger Users and ClearTrigger Administrators. ABS provides the answers to these ClearTrigger questions.

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